White Paper: Balancing Research with the Qualitative Equation

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You Will Learn:

  • Four reasons why qualitative study will help you get the most value from your research initiative.
  • The six steps to successfully conducting a focus group.
  • The best ways to use – and not use – qualitative research.
  • Three approaches to successfully link qualitative and quantitative research together.

Why Integrating Qualitative Studies into Your Marketing Research Strategy Will Deliver Maximum Business Intelligence

Through advances in online technologies, quantitative research is more accurate, and more valid, than ever before. The success of online surveys is driving a trend for companies to rely solely on quantitative research to give them the business information they need, with traditional focus groups and inperson interviews considered a quaint method of the past. But this can give a business only half of the picture.

In order to gain the full, complete and comprehensive picture of the perceptions of customers, prospective customers and employees, qualitative research must be part of the mix. It’s the only way to ensure that a business really understands the research data in front of it.

Focus Groups and Interviews Take Quantitative Research Farther

So why is qualitative research so important? Four reasons…

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